We at MyOnlineCA will share some detailed insights about Importer Exporter Code (IEC) registration fee in India; we will discuss a fee for IEC registration in India. We offer a quick and robust service in providing IEC registration at the affordable price range.

Importer Exporter Code is a registration required for persons importing or exporting goods and services from India. IE code is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India.

IEC Registration Fee

What is the professional fee for IEC Code Registration in India?

 IEC code number registration fee is worth Rs. 250.00 and can be pay via EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer), and submit IEC Online Application form. For an instant, the physical application containing required documents should reach DGFT RLA concerned within 15 days of its online submission.


The cost of import and export license in India varies between Rs 1700 to Rs 4000.

How the IEC registration fee varies?

The government charges only Rs 500 for the application of import and export. You can make IEC on your own by going at DGFT website by paying the Rs 500 application fee.

But the thing is you have to have at least “Class 2″ DSC for the completion of the IEC application. The cost of class 2 DSC varies from Rs 1200 to Rs 2000. So this way it costs between Rs 1700 to Rs 2500.

But if you choose to make it via an agent, then he charges his commission between Rs 500 to Rs 1500.

So this it can cost up to Rs 4000.

I will suggest that visit DGFT site, fill out the application on your own and pay the Rs 500 on your own.

Are you looking for IEC Code Registration for your Business? Just Fill-Up Below Form and Get Started

How can you seek the services of professionals for IEC registration?

 Don’t worry, and you can go for R&D options on professional services by using Google where you can search for how to apply for IEC registration in India or Why IEC holds a significant part for starting an Import & Export business in India.

We would specifically recommend grabbing the genuine information about IEC on blog directories such as legaladda, India filings, Cleartax, legalraasta, and MyOnlineCA.

Why is MyOnlineCA suitable for IEC registration?

 When it comes to legal paperwork, MyOnlineCA is the most trustworthy media channel where you can find rich insights in easy language. MyOnlineCA provides best services regarding IEC registration with an affordable price range.

What are the documents you need to carry while registering for IEC Registration?

Check List of Documents to apply for IEC Code:

  • Covering Letter on your company’s letterhead for an issue of new IEC Code Number.
  • Two copies of the application in prescribed format (Aayaat Niryaat Form ANF 2A) must be submitted to your regional Jt.DGFT Office.
  • Each page of the application has to be signed by the applicant.
  • Part 1 & Part 4 has to be filled in by all applicants. In case of applications submitted electronically.
  • No hard copies of Part 1 may be provided. However in cases where applications are submitted otherwise, a hard copy of Part 1has to be delivered.
  • Only relevant portions of Part 2 need to be filled in.
  • Rs 250.00 Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/Demand Draft/EFT details evidencing payment of application fee regarding Appendix 21B.
  • Certificate from the Banker of the applicant firm in the format given in Appendix 18A.
  • Self-certified copy of PAN issuing letter or PAN (Permanent Account Number)
  • Card issued by Income Tax Authority.
  • Two copies of passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by the Banker of the applicant.
  • Self-addresses envelope with Rs.25/- postal stamp for delivery of IEC certificate by registered post or challan/DD of Rs.100/- for speed post.

Conclusion for IEC Registration Fee

We believe that this article is productive enough to learn about IEC registration. For any query, you can write to us or search for official websites for more detailed insights.