This is one of the most common problem with the CA & Consultant or other user during the fresh GST Registration Online. Professional’s always their contact details and email id during the creation of the TRN Number on the GST Portal. Because if they register the client email id & contact number then each time they have to ask for the OTP’s several times. So Let’s solved this problem today throughout this guide step by step process to change your Mobile Number and Email id on the GST Portal.
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First of all Let’s Understand what is the main problem on the GST Portal –
a) Professional create the TRN Number of the clients with using his Email id and Contact Number.
b) OTP has been sent on the TRN Registered email id & contact number during the login.
c) Professional Insert the client contact number and email id in their personal details but there is a checkbox on the GST Portal where you have to make proprietor or any other person as authorised signatory so once you click on that checkbox, its automatically, overwrite the TRN Registered Email id and Contact Number in the application. Below are the snapshot for the reference –
So after the successful of the registration GST Portal issued the user id and password of the same where anyone easily login into the account but during the filings of the return, verification can be done only through TRN Registered Email id and Contact Number.
So Now What, Do’nt Worry Here is the Solution step by step to change your Contact Number and Email id through the amendment of the application –
Step 1 : First of all login in your account through user id and password.
Step 2 : Now go to Registration Tab and Choose Amendment of Registration as Non Core Fields ( like Personal details and Contact or Email id).
Step 3 : You have to Change only the 2 Tabs which are Promotes or Partners details and Authorized Signatory.
Step 4 : Now simply change the Email and Contact Number of the promote or partners and make them authorized signatory. so automatically in the authorized tab all the details has been copied from the promoters tab.
Here alternatively you can add one more authorised signatory if you have some other person which is involved in your business with the different personal pan card. In that case simply add the Pan Number and their contact & email details. below are the snapshot –
Step 5 : At the end you have to just submit the details with the verification. A OTP has been sent only on the mobile number & email id which is mentioned in the above 3rd Step.
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Now its done, when you check your status on the GST Portal, its show to you in the profile section, your name has been changed within the next 15-20 minutes.
Bonus : if you are still facing errors or confusion then you can go with the Digital Signature. Its easy way to file any GST Returns or any application changes.
Hope this article is really helpful for you to change your correct email id and Contact number in your GST Login Details. if still have any query just mentioned in your comments.