In today’s Article at Myonlineca, we will tell you All About Shop Act License in Kolkata, we will give you full details about Shop Act License in Kolkata.

In our previous articles, we have given details about what is Shop Registration and how you can get a shop act license under this act. However, in this article, we will primarily focus on shop and establishment act of West Bengal and will give you information regarding how you can get a shop act license under West Bengal shop and establishment act,1963.All About Shop Act License in Kolkata

All About Shop Act License in Kolkata

If you are a resident of  Kolkata and you are running a shop in Kolkata, then you must secure a shop act license under west Bengal shop and establishment act,1963 and should display in the shop all the time.

Below I will give you details about west Bengal shop and establishment act,1963.

West Bengal Shops and Establishment Act, 1963.

The object of the Act

  • The West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act,1963 has been enacted primarily with the object of regulating holidays, hours of the work, payment of wages and leave of persons that are employed in shops and establishments.
  • This Act seeks to impose certain obligations upon the owner of a shop or an establishment to protect the workers employed and to secure for them employment in conditions conducive to their welfare of the persons employed in shops and establishments in Calcutta and other notified areas of West Bengal.
  • The Act has provisions Related to the employment of women and young, annual leave with wages, overtime, specific working hours etc of the Shops & Establishments.
  • The Act is applicable to the whole of West Bengal and covers all the areas and the classes of shops and establishments in Kolkata.


Section 2(2), 2(5), 2(6) of the Act provides that the Act shall apply to certain shops and establishments as stated thereunder.

  • A commercial or trading or banking or insurance establishment;
  • An establishment or administrative service in which persons employed or mainly engaged in office work;
  • A hotel, boarding, restaurant or eating house, a café or refreshment house;
  • A theater, cinema or any other place of public entertainment.

Non-applicability of the Act


  • Offices of or under the Central or State Government, the Reserve Bank of India, any railway administration or any local authority;
  • Any railway service, airways service, water transport service, tramway or motor service, any system of public controversy or sanitation or any industry, business or undertaking which supplies power, light or water to the public;
  • Institutions that takes care of the sick, infirm, destitute or mentally unfit;
  • Shops or stalls in any public fair or bazar held for a charitable purpose;
  • Stalls and refreshment rooms at railway stations, docks, wharves or airports.

Compulsory Registration for Shop Act License in Kolkata

Section 16 of the West Bengal Shops and Establishment Act state the it is  compulsory to get registration for all Shops & Establishments and Every shop or establishment in Kolkata is compulsorily required to register under this Act within thirty days of commencement of work to the registered authority in such form along with the fees as may be prescribed.

The application shall contain the following attachments:-

  • Name of the establishment or shop;
  • Name of the employer or the shop-keeper, if any;
  • Postal address of the establishment;
  • Such other particulars as may be prescribed.

The registering authority, on verifying the statement shall register the establishment in the register of establishment and issue a registration certificate in such manner as may be prescribed. This certificate needs to be displayed at the establishment or shop and it has to be renewed before it expires.Where there is any change in the particulars of the application, it has to inform within seven days of such change to the registered authority in the prescribed form.Where in the case of closure of an establishment, the same has to be communicated to the registered authority within fifteen days from the closing of the establishment.

Registration Process for Shop Act License in Kolkata

To register for Shop Act License in Kolkata , you have to follow the steps that are listed below:

  • You need to visit this website, then when the website will open on the screen on the right corner, you will find a button that says Apply Online, you need to click it.
  • Then the second page will appear , where again on the right side, you will find button that says Click Here to Register or if you have a google account you can use that too.
  • Then Again a new page will open where a Form will appear , use this form to create a Username and password for yourself. You need to Fill the Form completely and click on submit.then you will receive a verification link in your Email, you need use this link within 2 hours to successfully register yourself otherwise the registration will fail and you have to do the process again.
  • Then when you have sucessfully done the veification process , you have to login to Online Application Gateway using your username and password provided to you after verification.
  • Then click on the Form and you will see a list of forms. Among them you have to use FORM-B  for New Registration for Shop Act License in Kolkata .then a page will open where you will see options such as Guidelines, Attachments and Apply Online.
  • If you want to know the instruction to fill the form , you need to click Guidelines, if you want to know documents required a click on Attachment and to Register click on Apply Online.
  • When you click Apply Online , A Form will appear in which in the First step you have to fill basic details such as the name of a shopkeeper, district, post office, police station etc.
  • Then when you have completed the Form you need to click on proceed to step 2 for the second form. In this form you have to Fill Details such as the name of shopkeeper and manager etc. then when you fill all the details you need to click on proceed to step 3.
  • In the third form you furnish details related to partners and director such as the name of partner and director , residential address etc. then when you have completed this form , you need to click on proceed to step 4.
  • In the Fourth Form , you have to Fill Details Related to Nature of Business such as the category of establishment , nature of business etc. after you have completed this you have to click on proceed to step 5.
  • In The Fifith Form you have to furnish Details Related to owners family and Employees, After you have completed this form , you need to click on  Proceed to step 6.
  • The Sixth Form is a FInal Declaration form, In this form, you have to give details such a employer pan and tan number, employer email, closed days etc. and then click on submit .
  • After You have submitted the form, then you need to download the application form.then go to my application and there you will see  four options such as Edit – Which you can use to make changes in the form, Discard to completely delete the form , View and Print – which you can use to take a printout of form and sign it and Submit application to upload Document and signed form and submit it to registering authority for Shop Act License in Kolkata  .


I hope you like this article about All About Shop Act License in Kolkata. still if you are confuse you can checkout our website to Get a Shop Act License in Kolkata .