One Person Company is the Company which is incorporated by only one person. If you are thinking of incorporation of One Person Company, then you should also start thinking of its name. A unique name gives an introduction of your company to people, for example, Myonlineca or Karuna Technology private limited. A unique name also shows what you work. A unique name is required for your company which should not be similar to other existing company.
So every company name should be in three parts. The first name is your company name. The second name is your object part, and the last one shows what type of your company. For example, Mayur clothing limited you can see that Mayur is a company name, clothing shows the object of the company and limited shows type of company.
So you have to think the unique first name, so it impresses people, and it should not be similar to other existing company. You can choose your object part for examples Technology, mobiles, food, medical, shipping, financial, travel, etc.
Your name will be valid when it registered under the Companies Act, 2013. If you are thinking of registration of your company name or incorporation of your company, then you have to comply with the naming guidelines under the Companies Act, 2013.
Naming Guidelines
You have to comply with the rules and regulation of companies act for registration of your valid name of the company. You have to meet with given below guidelines
• The name shall not be identical with or resemble too nearly to the name of existing company
• The name shall not be undesirable in the opinion of the central law
• The name shall not constitute an offense
• The name shall not use any word which shows that it connected with government except approval from the government
• Plural version of any of the words appearing in the name of an existing company doesn’t make a name unique.
• The proposed name should not violate section 3 of the Emblems Act 1950.
• The word “State” will only be allowed in the case of a government company.
• If you are adding words like New, Modern, Shri, Sri, Shree, Om, Jai, Sai, The, etc. does not make a name unique.
• If you are making a name with a different combination of the same word it does not make a unique name
• You cannot use words like Rashtrapati, Republic, panchayat, municipal, minister, nation, governor except approval from the government.
Rejection of Name
• Name of OPC may be rejected in given below conditions
• If the name is to general without any distinct word or identity
• If it does not include the suitable prefix
• Similar to other existing company
• The proposed name resembles closely with the popular or abbreviated description of a current company
• If the Proposed name is offensive for certain section of people
• If the Proposed name includes the word “British India.”
• If the Proposed name consists of the name of an enemy country
• Your name can be rejected if other condition of valid surname not fulfilled
Recommend: One Person Company Registration
Application for Reservation of Name
You can apply for the application of reservation of name through online mode. You have to visit the official website of MCA where you can file your application. You have to fill the form INC-1.
There is Reserve unique name (RUN) web service available on MCA portal where you can Reserve a name for your One Person Company. An approved name is valid for 20 days from the date of approval (in case name is being reserved for a new company)
Conclusion for One Person Company Examples
As you can see in the article mentioned above that you have to think a unique name for your one person company. A unique name requires which should not be similar to the other existing company. There is a lot of One Person Company which have been incorporated like Truffle House (OPC) Private Limited, Akhan Dairy (OPC) Private Limited you can see in guidelines mentioned above that which name will be valid. You have to comply with the rules and regulation of companies act. In case of failure, your application may be rejected. So read the instructions carefully when you apply for the name, and also you can apply for the same online. Online mode is very easy and simple you can easily submit your application with required documents.