Today we at myonlineca discuss about how to get TAN Number  and tan verification in India & How you can apply for the TAN Application. In India,We deduct tax deduction and collection and account number with the help of TAN. This is called Tax deduction account number. Tan number is also issued by the Income Tax Department instead of the PAN card. TAN registration is required for making tax deduction or tax collection at source, remittance of TDS payments and issuance of TDS certificates.

Tan Number

What is TAN number

It is mentioned in section 203A of the Income Tax Department Act 1961 that it is mandatory for all the persons who are paying TDS,to acquire and keep a tan number. Tan Number Meaning is Ten-digit alphanumeric numbers such as RXOY02811K are given through the TAN number by the  Income Tax Department.

What is TDS

The Full form of TDS is  Tax deducted at source (TDS). The simple meaning of TDS is that some percentage of your income is deducted from the income tax payer. A payer is also known as Deductor and you are referred to as Deductee. After deduction of TDS by DDT, TDS amount is deposited in the government account. Deductor can get interested and penalties if the TDs are not deposited by the government on time. Deductee is issued certificate by Deductee (Form 16 / 16A) which contains full details of the TDS deducted. If Deductee income is less than the taxable income, then Deductee is related to A.Y. Can file a refund by filing it. Such as F.Y. In 2016-17, you earn from your salaried and it is less than 250000, so you should go to A.Y. Can claim TDS refund by filing ITR of 2017-18.TDS is levied on many types of payments like Salary, Interest, Dividend, Commission, Professional Fees, Rent, Brokerage, Contract Payments etc.

Recommend Read : How to TDS Payment in India

Importance of  TAN number meaning

Tan becomes necessary for all those who pay taxes on the source of their income, it is necessary for all those who pay for claiming the deduction in income tax returns. No documents are required to apply for this.

How to Get TAN Number

To get  tan number, both offline and online methods can be adopted. For its application, Rs. 62 can be made through credit card, demand draft or check with net banking.

Payment Procedure for TAN Application Form

If it has been paid through debit card, credit card or net banking, then send NSDL along with your signature in the National Securities Depositories Limited on the third floor, Pune-411045, or by depositing it with the check or demand draft. Can.

Online TAN Application Form

In order to apply online tan application form, the first person has to go to NSDL website  and fill the application number 49B. Before filling the application form, a description list will appear on the screen where you will have to fill out some of the necessary information such as :

  • Place for signature
  • Payment Description
  • Approval Number of 14 digit application
  • Name of applicant
  • application status

Details of the contact with the applicant, under which the applicant’s address, e-mail ID and phone number will be provided.

After that you have to fill out the form and make online payment using desired method to complete your application.then When you click  on submit an acknowledgment screen shall appear with a 14 digit acknowledgment number that also contains Status & name of the applicant, contact details and payment details. You need to save or take a print of this.

Offline TAN Application Form

Tan Application form can also be obtained offline. For this, you have to get  Form No 49B   from the Tax Information Network Facilitation Center (TIN-FCs), PAN centres, any other vendors providing such forms or can be freely downloaded from this website.If you  download the application number 49B online then you to  take its print out . Fill the form and make a Demand draft/cheque which  shall be in favor of ‘NSDL – TIN’, payable at Mumbai ad submit to any nearest tin- fc.

The information you can get from the help center

In addition, if you want to get any information related to the tan number, then you can get information by contacting 022-24994650 or at the number of Tan Help Center. These centers are established by the central NSDL appointed by the central government across India.

TAN number Texture

Tan’s texture is such that its number is determined by ANBA99999B. In which the first four numbers are given in the form of letters and five digits after that and the last number is also a letter. Explains a particular identity of every number written in Tan. From where the tan is released, the name of the first three letters indicates the name of the city or state and the fourth letter indicates the first letter of your name.

Conclusion for How to Get TAN Number

If you are a business owner and indulge in  tax deduction or tax collection at source then you must get Tan Registration as soon as possible.I hope you like  article about what is TAN Number and How to Apply for TAN in India. still if you find it  confusing you can checkout our website to to Apply for TAN in India.