In today’s Article at Myonlineca, We will tell you All About Food License Application Form. FSSAI is responsible for setting standards of food. For the quality of food, FSSAI examines chemical, nutrient properties, food color, smell, shape, etc. used in any food. Only after being found correct in the inquiry is sold by the sellers in the market. Under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, FSSAI definitely works to control adulteration and ensures food security.
The Full Form of FSSAI is Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Which is called Indian Food Safety and Standards Authority. FSSAI was started from August 5, 2008. It was brought into use as per the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. FSSAI was established with the aim of checking the purity of food sold in the country.
FSSAI Headquarters
The headquarters of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is in the national capital Delhi. At the same time, its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are appointed by the Government of India. Its chairman consists of Secretary rank of the Government of India. If there is the talk of its chiefs, apart from New Delhi, there are 6 regional offices across the country. Which are located in Delhi, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin, and Chennai In addition, many laboratories notified by FSSAI are located throughout India.
Functions of FSSAI
FSSAI has been set up by the Government of India for the purpose of carrying out the following works. The functions described below under FSSAI are as follows: –
Determining Directions– The most important function of FSSAI is to create guidelines related to food items and to ensure that the guidelines made by them are not being followed in the country.
Certification– The next most important task of FSSAI is to check food made by food businessmen and ensure that they are not eatable by the people. If food is found correct in the check, then certification is given.
Establishment of the network– Establishment of an information network in your country so that it can easily get information regarding food safety and related issues related to common consumers, panchayats etc.
Training– To organize training programs from time to time for those who are involved in the food business or those who want to join. Through which important information pertaining to food business is given to them.
FSSAI product approval
The main work of FSSAI is to control food marketing, sales, storage, supply, and manufacturing. Any manufacturer has to apply in FSSAI before selling his food items. After which the FSSAI officials issue certificates on the basis of laboratory testing of food products of applications. There is also provision for strict legal action under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. FSSAI officials can file a criminal case against any person who sells bad food items publicly.
The application process for obtaining FSSAI license
If you want to get a food license, first you need to know by going to the link that you are eligible or not for these licenses.After completing the first stage, you will need to fill in the information asked on this link by visiting the link.At the same time, FSSAI issues license on the basis of the food business and business nature. The traders whose business is between 12 lakh and 20 crores, come under the state license and if a trader’s business is more than 200 million, he falls under the category of central license.Which documents do you need to get the license by going to the links given below and how much it will cost in the process? All these information will be easily found.
Central License Registration –
State License Registration –
All About Food License Application Form
Form A
Form A is the FSSAI Registration form to be filled by the Food Business Operator while applying for Fssai License In India. FORM A is the basic form which comprises of a Food Business Operator Business Activities
Form B
Form B is the FSSAI License form to be filled by the Food Business Operator while applying for FSSAI state License.
I hope you like this guide or article about All About Food License Application Form. still, if you are confused you can check out our website to register for FSSAI LIcense In India.